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AWACIO Exhibition

Abuja, Nigeria

Exhibition: 6th March 2011exh1
YES AWACIO was at the Women of Excellence Convention …March 3-6, 2011!!!
The Women of Excellence Convention took place on March 3-6, 2011. The convention had one day of exhibition which took place on Saturday, the 6th of March 2011 at the Family Worship Centre Royal Academy building in Wuye, Abuja. The exhibition started in the morning and closed in the evening. AWACIO was one of the organizations that Registered for the exhibition. The aim was for us to be able to create awareness for AWACIO and try to raise funds for our less privileged widows, adolescents and children by selling some of our products.
exh2We had a variety of products that were displayed on our stand, such as, fancy bags, bangles, different varieties of designers perfume, eye lashes, throw pillows, fragrant candles (different types), pillows, and children kits and so on. The exhibition was also a better ground for people to know AWACIO; we were able interact with people, let them know who we are, what we do, and why we need their support, and share our fliers.

Although fund generation was poor due to lack of publicity of the exhibition show at the convention, people were able to ask about AWACIO. Most of them even promised to contact us while others declared their interest to become involved in the activities of the organization.The most positive aspect of the convention in relation to AWACIO is the visibility and awareness created from AWACIO’s participation at the convention.

We plan to follow up on some of the contacts and advance our mission.

Let's Build a World Without Child Abuse.


Let's build a world without Child Abuse. With your support, AWACIO can help a child start, grow and develop. The future of any nation lies in the strength of her youth. We can together.

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